What's your Stewardship IQ? Instead of reacting to problems after the damage is done, Stewardship prevents issues before they become problems. See how your stewardship skills stack up! Click "Next" below to start your quiz! What is the most important to you about your home? Safety Maximum Value Comfort Aesthetics Cost of operation How long do you plan to live in your home? 5 years or less 5-10 years 10-20 years 20+ years None What would best describe your current method of taking care for your home? I don’t... but know that I should I repair things as they break I maintain things sometimes when I remember I am proactive as much as possible about the care of my home Who has performed service work on your home in the past? Select all that apply. I, or my spouse or a relative does the work A general contractor Various handymen Individual vendors No one About how many individual physical tasks would you guess are required to fully service the average home every year? 10-20 20-60 60-100 100-300 300-600 None How many individual building trades (electricians, plumbers etc.) would you guess are required to properly service the average home every year? 5 or less 5-12 12-21 21-32 32-45 None What general condition do you believe your home to be in now? Excellent Good Average Poor Terrible Would you like to worry less about unexpected emergencies and surprise expenses? Yes No What would best describe your mood when you think about your home? Sad, angry, regretful Fearful, stressed, insecure Wishful, longing or anxious Proud, excited and hopeful Would you be interested to get more overall enjoyment from your home? Yes No Are there things about your home that need to be repaired, replaced or changed? Yes No Have you created a budget for the maintenance, repair and replacements necessary for your home? Yes No Would you be interested in knowing the future costs associated with maintaining your home along with a calendar of projected cash flows? Yes No What condition do experts recommend your home be kept in order to be of maximum value? Any condition will get top dollar in my neighborhood It must be in safe condition It must be in average or good condition It must be in nearly perfect condition with recent model equipment, appliances and fixtures. None Which is true about homes kept in “near perfect” condition? Select all that apply. It will cost less to operate It will be safer It will last longer It will be more fun to live in It will be worth more all of the above. None Would you be interested in having the condition of your home professionally rated? Yes No Name Email Time's up