
Preventive maintenance can make homeowners money

preventive maintenance makes money
Maintaining a light fixture

Study shows preventive maintenance efforts return high yields.

Is maintenance really worth the effort? Does preventive maintenance make money? No matter how obvious some things appear, often these same things remain very difficult to prove. Consider the simple act of taking care of your stuff. At a gut level we all understand that if you take care of an object, it will last longer. But how much longer will it last? If it lasts longer, what is the value of that? How much extra does it cost to take care of an object versus not?

Until now the economic value of preventive maintenance has been elusive to prove because it has been difficult to both study and calculate. Now a long-awaited study published by Jones Lang Lasalle has finally quantified the facts some of us have suspected all along. Preventive Maintenance is a killer investment. Yes!! Preventive maintenance is not only a nicer way to own and care for a home…it makes money.

Study results are stunning

The study showed that the money spent on preventive maintenance produced a whopping 545% ROI.  The returns came solely from energy savings and extending the useful life of the equipment and infrastructure. Any homeowner knows that those are not even attributes where the REAL value resides.

Bigger returns await you

The biggest values to most homeowners are in 1) disaster avoidance and 2) making the home more beautiful or fun to live in. What is the value in money saved if your water heater never floods your home?

The 545% return would actually have been much higher still if it had been able to account for the very real value of the breakdowns, disasters and emergencies avoided.

Cleaning a metal roof
Maintaining a metal roof

If you are a homeowner what are you waiting for? Start spending some money on maintenance and get rich… in comfort!

Read the Study

You can read the full study here: Maintenance.pdf


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This is the place to visit if you want information on your home: How to improve air quality; ways to improve the value of your home; what are the best cleaning services; do you really need handyman services; how to plan and execute home renovation and home improvement projects; ways to hire a handyman; what to do during spring cleaning; ways to go about tidying up a messy house; and generally how to be a better homeowner.

If you have questions or just want to say hi, please send me a note.

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Writing and maintaining the information in this manual is a lot of hard work. By sharing these pages with your friends, you help me to continue the effort.  You can easily share these pages to all your favorite social media sites via the shortcut buttons on the sidebar. You can also simply email the page link to your friends. Please share often.

The very best way to help me happens when you use the embedded links to buy things. Using a link is easy and free, yet it provides a great source of support for this site. The vendors I've chosen to link to have proven to be trustworthy and are the very best resources available. That is why I recommend them personally. is the place to visit if you want information on

  • maintaining your home
  • how to improve air quality
  • ways to improve the real value of your home
  • what are the best housekeeping services
  • the problems with handymen services
  • how to plan and execute home renovation and home improvement projects
  • tips for spring cleaning; tidying up a messy house
  • and generally how to be a better homeowner.

Make sure you download your monthly maintenance checklist for this month.

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