Tool Reviews

Drivers sets for drill and impact tools

You may not be old enough to remember this, but at one time Phillips-head screws and screw drivers were an exotic new fastening technology. Before then, the common method was the simple paring of a straight slot screw and screwdriver.

Brief history fasteners and drivers

To increase production on the automobile assembly lines, a way was needed to more efficiently mate and hold the screw driver to the screw. In a stroke of brilliance in 1932, Oregon resident Henry F. Phillips patented the “recessed cruciform” screw and its driver.

driver sets for drill and impact tools
Drill driver set

During WWII the use of this new fastening technology became widespread throughout industry as production speed accelerated. By the end of the war in 1945 every good mechanic had Phillips-head screw drivers of assorted sizes and gauges in his toolbox.

Advances in screwing technology

Phillips drivers and fasteners are excellent for hand tool applications, but not so good for modern power tool applications. In more recent years, a number of specialty drive/fastener combinations has been developed to work better with power tools. Allen, Box and Torx drivers and fasteners each have a specific purpose and application, and all are widely used now. If you run across one during a repair project you will want to have the right tool to deal with it.


Make sure you have the right driver for the fastener. Reasonably priced sets are available covering all different drivers and sizes. I recommend getting sets with extras of each (like this one). They sometimes break and are easily lost. Sets packaged small enough to be stored in the same box as the power drills are especially useful. Most of these driver kits can be had for less than $50, so get one for each tool box you have. It may just save you a trip to the hardware store at an inconvenient time.

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